ABM Logo Hard Mine in Ringwood, NJ

The Hard Mine, in Ringwood NJ was the site of a tragedy some 40 years ago. Sometime during the late 60's a group of boys on bicycles rode over an area where the ground gave way. One boy was able to somehow scramble to safely, the other was swallowed deep into the earth. Rescue attempts were initaited however the shaft was deep and trailed off in multiple directions. To this day, the boy who's name I cannot  recall, is entombed in the Hard Mine.

During our visit, Bob and I noted that the shaft has been backfilled with many large boulders. This somewhat secures the shaft, and also seals its contents.




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Disclaimer: This site attempts to presents a historical perspective to the arm chair explorere on the mines of NJ & NY. The owners and authors do not condone visiting these mines, as they are dangerous and life threatening. We do not take responsibility for any injuries or death which may occur by visiting these mines nore will we give directions to anyone. All mines were thoroughly examined, with all suitable precautions taken when documenting these sites.