ABM Logo Edison Copper Mine in Sparta, NJ

The Edison Copper Mine is located on the old Thomas Edison Mines in Sparta, NJ. The Mine is located deep in the heart of the woods. There is not much information on it except for it being listed as a copper mine on a few maps from the 70's. Despite the fact that it is listed as a copper mine, there was no typical copper ore found in the large mound of tailings.


The mine is located at the top of the road..

A large mound of tailings..

The ore seems sparkly and appears nothing like copper..

Signs warn of the area..

The first view of the mine

A clearer view..

A direct view overhead..

Rodney Johnsons rigged monopod helped with shots..


All Images Copyright, do not use without permission. 

Disclaimer: This site attempts to presents a historical perspective to the arm chair explorere on the mines of NJ & NY. The owners and authors do not condone visiting these mines, as they are dangerous and life threatening. We do not take responsibility for any injuries or death which may occur by visiting these mines nore will we give directions to anyone. All mines were thoroughly examined, with all suitable precautions taken when documenting these sites.