Bethlehem Mine

The Bethlehem Mine, also known as the Swayze Mine was a rather large operation that lasted from before 1868 until up until after the 1900's, when an ore concentrating plant was built. The site is marked and has its own parking, for visitors.

  Unfortunately not much remains except a few pits and a an immense dump. Documents from the West End Iron Company  indicate the deepest shaft to be 175 feet, with numerous other smaller shafts. The main shaft is barely discernable anymore, with only a nearby subsidence indicating any underground work. Nothing is known of the underground workings, but the mine reported an output of over 235 thousand tons.


Foundation Remains

Remains of the Concentrator..

The main dumps in the background, with a subsidence in the foreground..


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Disclaimer: This site attempts to presents a historical perspective to the arm chair explorere on the mines of NJ & NY. The owners and authors do not condone visiting these mines, as they are dangerous and life threatening. We do not take responsibility for any injuries or death which may occur by visiting these mines nore will we give directions to anyone. All mines were thoroughly examined, with all suitable precautions taken when documenting these sites.